C4droid (C/C++ compiler) v3.96 APK [DroidsCrack]
C4droid (C/C++ compiler)
C4droid is a simple C/C++ IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android with GNU Makefile, SDL and Qt support. C4droid supports devices with ARM processors only (not devices with Intel x86 or MIPS processor).
You can create your own applications on Android phone, and run them (even without Internet access: compiler is offline). This app uses TCC and uClibc (or GCC with Bionic libc with a plugin), so it has full support of ANSI C and ISO C99. C4droid can be used for educational purposes or to practice in C/C++ language.
Some components of C4droid are LGPL-licensed. You can download used source code of TCC and uClibc on their websites (But TCC had been modified by me, so I recommend to email me to get modified source).
To get C++ support you need:
- Enough internal memory OR root rights.
- Install GCC plugin (C4droid will ask you to install it).
- Select G++ compiler in C4droid preferences.
- Use iostream, not iostream.h
- Add "using namespace std;" to your program (before int main)
Don't forget to enter executable name and select compilation mode (and press ok also, else changes will be discarded)
There is an experimental support for Qt using necessitas, but note that it's in alpha stage.
Qt support limitations:
What's in this version: (Updated: Feb 3, 2013)
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
- Path to Ministro libraries is hardcoded (/data/data/org.kde.necessitas.ministro/files/qt/lib), so email me if it will change.
- If you're compiling a single-file Qt app, you must add #include "yoursourcefilenamewithcpp.moc" to the end of file. If you're using .pro file for compilation, you don't need to do that.
- Partially fixed EditArea.
Thank you
You are the best
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