Spirit FM Radio Unlocked vJan10 [Jan10] APK [DroidsCrack]
Spirit FM Radio Unlocked
Spirit FM Radio Unlocked is a real, tuned, "over the air" FM radio app. It's NOT a streaming app requiring expensive, battery consuming data plans.
Spirit FM Radio Light is lower priced and does not support RDS song etc. info and other advanced features: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mikersmicros.fm_li
Please email me at mikereidis@gmail.com at any time to upgrade, cancel, or for ANY problems or questions.
Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or full refund. Don't worry about the 15 minute return race. :)
Most Spirit customers are enthusiasts who enjoy rooting & custom ROMs, and Spirit's priorities are geared to that.
But I also welcome average users looking for added features or with phones with no stock FM radio app.
Light & Unlocked include:
- Tech support for all devices you own.
- Stereo, Mono & alternative settings.
- 6 nameable presets.
- Status Bar & Notification window.
- Sleep function, Email Logs & UI settings.
- RDS song etc. info: RT, PS, PTY, PI & AF (RadioText, Program Service, Type, ID & Alternate Frequency).
- Unlimited Preset lists & presets.
- All UI settings, including antenna, station ID & screen orientation.
- Media button support for mute, volume & frequency.
- And many more Unlocked exclusive features to come, including recording & digital audio features on GS3, Note and OneX !
What's in this version: (Updated: Jan 10, 2013)
- RDS for OneXL/S/Evo 4G.
- GS2/GS3 experiment dig audio/BT/record.
- ICS+ lockscreen.
- Squelch.
- GS2/Note open source audio method "Galaxy S2/Note ALSA".
- Partial Sony 2012 (un-supported).
- Galaxy S3 GT-i9300 headset volume boost.
- Galaxy S2 GT-i9100G audio.
- HTC OneX+.
- Note2 3g.
- LG P9xx.
- Stock unrooted GS2/3/Note speaker.
- HTC/Broadcom stock unrooted fix.
- Razr I.
- Galaxy S/S+/S2/S3/Note audio.
- AT&T/HTC OneXL, OneS, Evo 4G LTE audio.
- Desire HD/Z/etc qdsp5v2 audio.