Universal, every day use calculator with scientific features. One of top.
Good for simple and advanced calculations!
ATTENTION! It's possible arbitrary moving of the cursor when SwiftKey is on your system. Please update your SwiftKey to the last version.
- Math expressions calculation (developed on RPN-algorithm but no RPN-calculators' kind UI!)
- Percentages (calculation discount, tax, tip and other)
- Radix mode (HEX/BIN/OCT)
- Time calculation (two modes)
- Trigonometric functions. Radians and degrees with DMS feature (Degree-Minute-Second)
- Logarithmic and other functions
- Calculation history and memory
- Digit grouping
- Cool color themes (skins)
- Large buttons
- Easy and very user friendly UI
- Very customizable!
- More features will be added. Stay in touch! :)
- Ability to store records of the history (up to 1000, FREE - 50)
- Ability to edit expression with up to 5 lines on the screen (FREE - 3)
- Additional themes (Business, Ice Cream Sandwich)
- Fixed MENU button (the top right corner) for Android 4.1.1 and more
- Fixed displaying numbers in the exponent format
- Enabled App2SD (experimental)
- Adapted UI to Android 4.0 and higher
- Added ability to swipe tabs in the history
- Other
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